Sell Your Land the Easy Way! Call or Text Us! (919) 299-2087

Do you have questions about

how to sell your vacant land?

Great! Here are answers to common questions.

If you have additional questions that aren’t listed here, you can send us a message using this form, or give us a

Call or Text: (919) 299-2087


Q: Are you really able to buy my property with cash?

A: We use the industry standard term “cash”, but in most cases, you’ll get paid through a title/attorney/escrow company that will handle the paperwork for the transaction. They will arrange with you directly to be paid by wire transfer, check, or cashier’s check.

Q: Do you pay fair prices for land?

A: Yes. The prices we pay are fair and a win-win for both parties. We do not pay retail, however, that cost can be made up when you factor in the fact that we charge ZERO in commissions, plus we pick up all associated administrative and closing costs.

In addition, we close very quickly because we are paying in cash. This saves you money by shortening the period of time in which you are responsible for taxes, assessments, and maintenance of the property.

Remember, the land market is very slow, selling the traditional way, and using a realtor to find a buyer can take months if not longer. Costs incurred over this time can add up fast. Before binding yourself to a realtor, get our offer and run the numbers for yourself. There is zero obligation.

Q: How do you determine how much to offer for a parcel of land?

A: Our process is very clear and straight forward. We look at what other properties are selling for, and what the market suggests they will do in the future. We take out what was paid in commission and fees on these comparable properties to get a price on which we base our offer.

Q: How fast can you close?

A: In most cases, we can close in 14 to 30 days as long as all parties can supply any needed paperwork right away. We always use a title company or attorney to coordinate the transaction and sometimes they will request additional information to close the deal. Some title companies take additional time to close a transaction.

If you’re in a situation where you need the funds quicker, we may be able to help. Please call or email and we can discuss the options.

Q: How do I accept the offer I received for my property?

A: Please sign and send back to us by mail or email. To speed up the process, please take a photo of the signed purchase agreement and email it back to us at:

and we’ll get started!

Q: Can I sell the property As-is?

A: Yes, you will be selling the property as-is. All we ask is that you provide us any information you have on the property. We’ll generally ask if you have information on access or any other important characteristics or history of the property.

Q: I see that you have licensed real estate brokers in California and Texas. Does that mean that you are my agent?

A: No, we will not be acting in a representative capacity for you in the transaction. While we have extensive experience in handling all types of real estate transactions, We cannot be your agent or advisor as that would be a conflict of interest.

We handle almost all of our purchases without a real estate agent involved. There is no room in our offer to pay any commission to an agent.

Q: I own other properties too. Will you consider buying them as well?

A: Yes, we are definitely interested. Please call or email us with the details and we’ll get back to you with an offer.

Q: I have never been to the property I own. Will you still buy it if I don’t know anything about it?

A: Yes, this is quite common. We do our own research on all our property purchases, so there is no need for you to provide any specific information to us about the property.

Call Us Anytime!

(919) 299-2087

Mailing Address: Synergy Home Solutions

3733 Westheimer Rd. Ste 1, Unit 4085 Houston, TX 77027

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